Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Indicators of High Quality Core Instruction

High Quality Core Instruction When researching MTSS and high quality core instruction, I found a practices and indicators list that is helpful in understanding the purpose and focus. I think keeping these indicators handy can remind me daily of how best to implement. Practices and Indicators of High Quality CORE/Universal Instruction”. The practices include: 1. Purpose: standards-based instruction with clear learning targets, teaching points and student tasks. 2. Student Centered Instruction: facilitation of learning is clear, well-paced and utilizes research-based strategies that are culturally and linguistically relevant. 3. Student Engagement: an environment that promotes a high level of student involvement in their learning. 4. Classroom Environment: an environment that promotes respect, safety and a passion for learning. 5. Assessment for Student Learning: clear assessment strategies for assessing students before, during and after the lesson. 6. Positive Behavior Management System: expectations for student behavior are clear and are modeled in a manner that is subtle, positive and proactive.

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