Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Clinical Observation of a very dry subject: IEP Paperwork

Meaning/Observed Perspective of Participants I was able to meet with the trainers for about one hour prior to the staff development training. We discussed the process of how and why the training was developed. The District Resource teachers work directly with the school sites administrators and special education departments. They received overwhelming feedback of the frustrations teachers had when working on IEPs with the new software program. There were many glitches and issues with calculating the LRE. The District SPED office did a random check of IEP’s and LRE calculations, pulling 2 from every school site and found that calculations were inconsistent across the district. Some schools used hours, some used minutes, some used days. There was no set guideline, policy, or procedure recommended by the district. With this information, the district office developed guidelines that are aligned with both Federal and State laws for teachers to follow as they use the new software system.

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