Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What am I Thankful for? My love/hate relationship with my SPED's mostly love!

My special education department is truly special to me! We laugh, we fight, we disagree, we talk about each others weaknesses, but at the end of the day we have each others back. We work together as a team to ensure we provide the most appropriate supports and services to our students and families! If a teacher comes in upset about one of our students, our department members make sure to support each other in making the right decisions and letting the school staff know that we are working in the best interest of students! We have the courage to disagree with each other but we also have the ability to laugh at ourselves and how passionate we each can be over such small issues. When I think of collaboration and teamwork, I feel this has been the strongest team I have worked with in during my 15 years of teaching. Could it be that we are all wise and have learned from our mistakes? Or that we all share a common vision and make sure to enjoy ourselves along the way? What ever the exact reasons, I am happy to be part of such a great department that truly enjoys coming to work everyday...and even if we are not feeling so great...we have each other to lean on!

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